My Passion

My Passion

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Blogs are used in many different ways, you know that? 

Some are used just to update everyone on whats going on in their life. 
People also use it to vent. They create an account with no followers and just VENT. Vent their life story to the world, as if no one will read it. 

It is an interesting concept. I would think that, being your life story, you might want to make sure the private things are, well, private
. But I guess some people can only let go of things when they write it out. Which is fine by me. But with revealing your life story, you can also break hearts and re-open wounds. 

I love having older people in my life. Every single person older than me, from my Grandma to my friends. I love them because, first of all, God wants me to. But second of all, I watch their mistakes and take careful notes on how to live my life, not having to make their mistakes because I've seen the consequences and I don't want that. 

I also love my life right now. I'm in a time of bliss. I'm ignorant of the fact that my life is easy. Probably easier than it will ever be. Ever. Again. being a student is easy and managable. Extra-curriculars are easy and managable.   

So I will NOT use this blog to tell you my deepest secrets that aren't even scribbled in black ink in my diary. I won't tell you my little, insignificant problems. My life is wonderful. I may have the little bumps and hills, but those will prepare me for when the mountains come, so I can be strong enough to climb over them. 

Will I mess up? Yeah, I sure as heck will. But I try to be good, and make good choices.

And I try to blog appropriatly :)