My Passion

My Passion

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

time is moving Fast !

Now that hockey is over, and all my "big projects" of this are turned in, my life is simple. I've started studying out again and gain weight.

But this week is going by eeeexxxtttrrreeemmmeeelllyyyy fffaaasssttttttttt. 
Because this week last interaction with lecturer (disccussion+exam) and next week there will b our "Sukaneka Prasekolah" . 
And the week after that = BIG EXAM !! =.= 

That's right, folks. Two weeks busyl. 
So that's why life is too fast. 

Now I truthfully know why people say "jadi cikgu mmg best tapi sangat busy". It does, but not in the fun way I'd hope it would be. I was expecting the time of my life, but I have so much time ahead of me to enjoy!

My parents say I'm looking towards the future too much. oh, yeaHhhh , that right.

weLL, this is the 2nd sem of PPISMP, next 3rd sem. next we will b PISMP n after that we're going to graduation && i am a real Teacher, of course !! :D

But thats why time is moving too fast. 

“If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything.”